Tuesday, December 16, 2008

10 turn-offs on their hate list.

1. Talking too much about 'me, me, me'
One of the number one terror dates on guys' list are women who talk non-stop about themselves - their interests, their work, their dreams, their vacation, their shopping. Women who hog the conversation are not only displaying impoliteness and lack of consideration, but are also ultimate bores - who really cares about your latest handbag spree or your blotched hair perm job 2 years ago?

2. Asking too personal questions
Are you scaring your date with inappropriate questions? As crazy as it might sound, some women actually start asking questions like "When do you plan on getting married?" or "How many women have you slept with?" on the first date. Questions of a personal nature can embarrass the guy and put him in a spot. Stop interrogating him like a felon and stick to more general questions, such as his interests instead.

3. Being a picky eater
Unless your date is on a diet himself (and most guys aren't), he won't understand what your fussing about food is all about. Every man likes a woman with a hearty appetite: It translates into a passion for life and an enthusiasm for all things enjoyable. So even if you're on a diet, give yourself a break while you're with him; don't give him the impression that you're just another body-conscious girl who is so paranoid about gaining that one pound.

4. Being late
Sadly, some women have the misconception that being fashionably late is cool. While being 5 minutes late is forgivable, making the poor bloke wait for 15 minutes or longer is downright rude (unless you have a valid reason). When you are this late on your date, you'll send out the wrong message - that he's not worth your effort to be punctual - even if you don't mean it. And your tardiness is going to spoil any special plans he has made for the evening. If you have a tendency to be late, do make the effort to get ready earlier and be on time.

5. Too much emotional baggage
Your past failed relationships are never a good subject to touch on, especially on the first few dates. Unloading all your emotional baggage - what you did with your ex, how he cheated on you are, etc - on someone you barely know (and who has a potential to be your next guy) is an instant turn-off.

6. 'I'm too posh for you'
Even if you think you are too good for your date, never show or say it out blatantly. It's extremely rude to tell your date that he's beneath your usual standards.

7. Always on the phone
While it's okay to answer phone calls during a date, switching your mobile phone to vibration mode would ensure that you have an uninterrupted time with him. It's utterly impolite, however, when you constantly answer your calls to talk at length and ignore him completely. Worse, if your calls are from your nosy girlfriends asking how your date went, don't bitch about your poor date on the phone.

8. Acting too desperate
Your biological clock is ticking away and you're feeling the pressure to start a real relationship? Even so, take things slow. Appearing desperate to settle down will freak any guy out, especially when you start talking about your dream wedding ceremony, when you plan to get married and how many babies you want on your first date. After your date, even if there's some chemistry going on between the two of you, don't call him that very night. Act interested, but not too much. Or better yet, wait for him to call you instead.

9. Being drunk
A little alcohol to loosen you up for a bit of flirting is hot, but getting tipsy isn't. Burping, losing your poise and throwing up isn't exactly the prettiest portrayal of yourself, so do drink in moderation.

10. Not being yourself
Trying to be someone you think he will like - instead of being yourself - is one of the most common dating mistakes: If you can't convince yourself that you're attractive, how can you convince your date that you deserve him? When you attempt to hide your real self beneath a facade, not only are you deceiving your date, you're deluding yourself too. And your date will usually see right through it anyway and be turned off by your insincerity and lack of self-confidence.


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